Microchipping for pets in Southside Glasgow

Microchipping is a quick and simple procedure that helps re-unite you with your dog or cat should they go wandering from home.

Contact us to get your pet microchipped


What is pet microchipping?

Pet microchipping is a quick, simple, and low-cost procedure that can be done within a normal Vet consultation. It is similar to a vaccination, and the needle is inserted into the scruff of your pet’s neck in between their shoulder blades. A small microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, is released that will sit under the skin.

How will microchipping help reunite me and my pet?

Microchips are designed to last for life and can be scanned using a specialist piece of equipment called a microchip scanner. This will reveal your pet’s unique microchip code, which is linked to your personal contact details on a national pet database.

Compulsory pet microchipping

Every dog in Scotland must be microchipped by law. Cat microchipping is highly recommended and we can also microchip rabbits. Why not contact us to book an appointment today to have your pet protected?


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